Associated organisations and funders
Zebra Access is a registered charity who delivers a number of projects and services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people and communities. Zebra Access are extremely grateful to receive funding from :-
The National Lottery
The following organisations are official partners of Zebra Access working hard to support and provide for local Deaf and Hard of Hearing people and communities:
Please contact Paul Ntulila, Community Development Officer - or Chris Beech, Project Development Manager -, if your organisation is interested in developing partnership with Zebra Access
Zebra Access is proudly working with a number of organisations to improve access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.
Please contact Paul Ntulila, Community Development Officer - or Chris Beech, Project Development Manager -, if your organisation would like to work with Zebra Access to develop and improve services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people and communities.

With the support of funders such as the National Lottery's Community Fund, BFI, Foundations, Trusts and so on, Zebra Access CIO provides a range of free services and support to Deaf, Deafblind, Hard of Hearing and Deafened people and communities. Zebra Access staff, volunteers have the right to work in a safe and abuse free environment alongside with service users. The organisation will not tolerate any kind of abuse against its staff, volunteers, service users or property.
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