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Yoga Sessions with Sign Yoga

Zebra Access, with funding support from Sport England provided 6 free Yoga sessions with Sign Yoga to the Deaf community. This was a successful activity with a good number of attendees during the 6 sessions.

They all clearly enjoyed the yoga as it was fully accessible and delivered in sign language.

“Deaf people’s wellbeing is critical to us at Zebra Access. Without access to fitness or activity sessions via sign language, issues for Deaf people and their wellbeing can occur. By having these sessions, mental health and fitness remain stable, especially with the current pandemic and restrictions. It is important to ensure access is available for the Deaf community so they can participate in the the sessions without facing barriers or exclusions they normally would. It is splendid to see everyone enjoyed themselves and/or learnt something new, which definitely benefited them. We would like to thank Sport England for funding this and making it happen. We would also like to thank Beth, who has been an awesome yoga tutor and has made it fully accessible for the Deaf community”    Sean Noone – Community Development Officer

We asked some of the participants for their feedback about the yoga session with Bethany from Sign Yoga. They said:-

“BSL Yoga tutor Beth is amazing and has taught us yoga to help our mind and relieve stress caused by this difficult lockdown, I was able to learn new things using British Sign Language. I enjoyed the sessions and Sundays were the best day of the week due to my morning workout, which helped me relax and enjoy my day off. Thank you, Beth and the Zebra team, for organising this.” - Asia

“I never thought that by doing Yoga, I would end up getting muscle ache, especially after doing all the stretches and breathing exercises. I am enjoying it so far and have learnt so much already from Beth. Finally, an accessible session in BSL too. I have been wanting to do yoga for a long time but haven’t found one that offered it in BSL till Beth came along. Thank you, Beth!” – Lisa S

“Just finished yoga with Beth. She is brilliant and it’s wonderful to be able to follow her especially in BSL. Not only that, but she explains all the details that I didn’t know about yoga before. I thoroughly enjoyed Beth’s yoga and I look forward to having more sessions with her. Thank you for letting me join her yoga sessions” – Ruth

Enjoyed the sessions with Beth and liked her teaching style as it is clear and easy to follow. I look forward to more sessions!” – Lisa B

If you want to receive any further information about future workshops/sessions, please contact Sean Noone, Community Development Officer via or text/facetime 07472958534


With the support of funders such as the National Lottery's Community Fund, BFI, Foundations, Trusts and so on, Zebra Access CIO provides a range of free services and support to Deaf, Deafblind, Hard of Hearing and Deafened people and communities. Zebra Access staff, volunteers have the right to work in a safe and abuse free environment alongside with service users. The organisation will not tolerate any kind of abuse against its staff, volunteers, service users or property.

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