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< Back to the newsDeaf Coffee Morning 2018
Wolverhampton Deaf Community Hub
Coffee Mornings 2018
Friday from 10.30am to 1.30pm
Come and join us for coffee, tea, cake, lunch and a chat at Light House Media Centre, The Chubb Buildings, Fryer Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1HT.
13th July *
Speaker: Iona Fletcher (Technical Officer for Hearing Impaired Independent Living Service, City of Wolverhampton City Council)
Iona will be talking about equipment for deaf people and how to make referrals. There may be a Q&A session afterwards.
27th July *
Information about speaker coming soon.
10th August
24th August *
Information about speaker coming soon.
7th September
21st September *
Information about speaker coming soon.
5th October
19th October *
Information about speaker coming soon.
2nd November
16th November *
Information about speaker coming soon.
30th November
14th December *
Information about speaker coming soon.
* - Guest Speakers
Contact: Sean Noone (Community Development Officer)
Text/Facetime: 07472958534
With the support of funders such as the National Lottery's Community Fund, BFI, Foundations, Trusts and so on, Zebra Access CIO provides a range of free services and support to Deaf, Deafblind, Hard of Hearing and Deafened people and communities. Zebra Access staff, volunteers have the right to work in a safe and abuse free environment alongside with service users. The organisation will not tolerate any kind of abuse against its staff, volunteers, service users or property.
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